October 8, 2012

Griffin had another first...

Today Griffin had another first!  He went to daycare and had not one, but TWO blowouts!  Just last night I told Eric that I thought we should send G with a 2nd extra outfit because I had a feeling today would be messy...turns out...IT WAS!  Oops!

Back at it...

So, I have gone picture crazy on Facebook for the sole reason that I have a lot of family members on Facebook and it was an easy way to share Griffin with them.  However, not all of my family is on Facebook, so I am reattempting to keep up with the blog.  This will also give me a chance to share Griffin's story along the way!

July 6, 2012

First Week of Life

Griffin's first week of life seems to have flown by.  I now understand what everyone means when they say that it goes by so fast.  My cousin Jamie and her husband Brandon sent Griffin a Build a Bear named Uno and a stack of cards for each week of Griffin's first year.  So far we are on our game and got the pictures taken on Week 1, let's see if I can keep up with it for the rest of the year!
 A bit suspicious of Uno
 Still unsure
There we go!  Perfection!

Beyond Photogenic

Our neighbor, Amanda Hudak, came by on Griffin's sixth day of life to take some photos for us.  He was a champ.  He slept peacefully through the first 45 minutes of pictures and then woke up and was still a rockstar for the last 15 minutes, so we were able to get a few pictures with his peepers showing.  The photos can be found at this site:  http://ahudak.zenfolio.com/p769539587/slideshow.  Here are a few to preview!

Our World is Forever Changed

He has arrived and our world has been forever changed!  We are head over heels in love with Griffin Charles Kosch.  Griffin was born at 9:22 pm on June 20th 2012.  He was 8 pounds 9 ounces, 21.5 inches long, and had a 15 inch head.  The nurses were all very impressed with the size of his head!  It took 40 long hours, two trips to the hospital (they sent me home the first time we went in), and an assist by the vacuum, but he was perfect in every way.  Although the Dr. said he was the healthiest baby she had seen all day Griffin had to stay in the special care nursery to get antibiotics, because they were concerned about a fever I had during labor.  The Dr. wanted to be sure he didn't have the same infection they thought was causing my fever.
Eric and I made many trips to the nursery to visit Griffin.  They called the room every 3 hours for us to come down and feed him, and we made quite a few visits in between feedings as well.  All of the nurses loved having him there, I think he is one of the healthier babies they have had in there so it was kind of fun for them.  In between the first and second feeding, Griffin had to have his stomach pumped because it was full of 16 ml of mucus.  They were worried about his blood sugar levels because he wasn't eating (his belly was full of mucus so he wasn't hungry) so they tube fed him while they had the tube in him to pump his stomach.  
Grandma Connie came up to visit on Thursday!

March 28, 2012

Toby Dog

While we were in Rochester this weekend we met Toby, Makayla and Amelia's new puppy. He is an adorable beagle they got from Paws and Claws. He quickly made friends with Baby Boy and cuddled up with him!

First Baby Shower

We had our first baby shower with the Withers' Family on Sunday, March 25th. We also celebrated Grandma Goofy's 93rd Birthday, Chris and Brooke's newest addition - Lexi, Chris and Mandy's engagement, and Patrick and Katie's engagement. Lots to celebrate in our family! We had a great time, as always when the Withers get together. Uncle Jim made the little guy an amazing cradle, and mom made him a mattress and sheets for the cradle, and Auntie Missy made him a blankie. We are such a lucky little family to have such talented people in our lives!

Amelia cuddling up with one of the sheets for the cradle. It was made of the same material as her blanket so she thought it was hers.
Baby Boy's Blankie made by Missy! I made Amelia and Makayla their blankies and they haven't slept a night without them. I am sure Baby Boy will love his from Auntie Missy just as much!
So cute!
Amazing cradle made by Uncle Jim